Bar Admission Booking Request Form

If you are requesting to be called to the Bar in the Court of King's Bench of Alberta, please fill out this form and submit it, along with the accompanying documents, electronically.

Please do not print and submit the form.

All Bar Admissions will be scheduled for a duration of 30 mins, commencing at 1:15 pm.  Availability is limited to two per day in both Calgary and Edmonton.

Please confirm the following:

Have you previously contacted Court of Justice to book a Bar Admission ceremony?

Year, Month and Day (One entry per line)
YYYY-MM-DD. Please verify with the Law Society of Alberta.

Bar Call Dates Requested (in order of preference) :

Be certain to enter as: YYYY-MM-DD. Note that if these dates are unavailable you will receive a response requesting additional dates be provided.


Number of anticipated guests and format of Bar Call:

Please indicate the expected number of attendees:

Please indicate whether you are seeking an in-person or remote admission

Currently, all KB Bar Admissions are conducted in person OR remotely. At this time we do not have the ability to facilitate hybrid Bar Admissions.

You will be asked to take the Oath of Barrister & Solicitor. You may choose to swear or affirm when you take that oath. Should you choose to swear, while doing so you may hold a holy book or other sacred object.
In regard to the Oath of Barrister & Solicitor, I wish to:
If swearing an oath, this field is mandatory.

If requesting a specific Justice, indicate the name of the Justice as well as their relationship to you (family friend, relative, etc.). Note that Preferences for a specific justice will be considered, but may delay the response process and securing a date. Dates will not be held while the Justice's schedule is canvassed. These requests will be accommodated if possible.

CV/Resume & List of Acknowledgements

Upon receiving a response confirming the date scheduled for your ceremony, please send your CV and any supporting information, in PDF format only, to the following email address within 5 days of receipt using the following format :  
Calgary/Edmonton - Name - Bar Call - Date - CV  
Ex. Calgary - John Doe - Bar Call - January 22, 2022 - CV

If applicable, please send a list of acknowledgements/thank-yous, in PDF format only, to:

Submit form

Please press the Submit button only ONCE.  If you are not redirected to a success page or if you receive an  error, please check the text in the form fields for unexpected characters / text that may come from copy and pasting, and try again. If you continue to have problems please let us know by submitting Website feedback

Justice names and courtrooms will not be communicated prior to the hearing date. Requests of this nature will not receive responses.

Courtrooms are assigned the day prior to the hearing and the information can be obtained by checking the court schedule when you arrive at the courthouse.

You should receive a copy of your notice by e-mail within 24 to 72 hours.